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At the galleries: Wildlife sculptures embody environment in Greater 91原创

Works of Tanya Bone, Lisa Samphire and William Liao illuminate The Avenue Gallery in June
Guthrie Gloag, wood and screws, 55x28x13 in. (Courtesy Madrona Gallery)

In Guthrie Gloag鈥檚 fifth solo exhibition with Madrona, titled Fortitude, he shares a new collection of expressive wildlife sculptures.

This Bowen Island-based artist and biologist has established an international reputation for using driftwood to create lifelike representations of animals that have come to symbolize the diversity and fragility of the environment. Gloag鈥檚 reputation is built on sculptures that go beyond mere representations of animals. He instils an emotional quality to each piece that reflects his own experience of nature and respect for the animals that inspire his work.

An opening reception takes place on June 15 with Gloag in attendance and can be seen until June 29.

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At The Avenue Gallery this month, visitors can find the works of Tanya Bone, Lisa Samphire and William Liao.

Tanya Bone is an artist whose work is deeply inspired by nature鈥檚 exquisite moments. Her unique ability to capture the serene beauty of nature is on full display, where each stroke brings the birds to life with captivating realism and grace.

Tanya Bone, 鈥淲hen Life is Good, Enjoy it鈥, oil on linen, 6x8鈥, Oil on Linen, $800 (framed) or $750 (unframed). (Courtesy The Avenue Gallery)

Blowing glass for over 35 years, Lisa Samphire has produced a diverse body of work, which includes private and public, sculptural and functional pieces. In 2008, Lisa had four pieces acquisitioned by the Federal Government of Canada for its Visual Arts Collection. The following year, her work was selected to represent Canada at the Cheongju International Craft Biennale in South Korea. Lisa has been recognized and applauded for her work, receiving numerous awards scholarships, teaching appointments and commissions.

鈥淕lass is the medium I have chosen to express and explore my interests in making art,鈥 Samphire said. 鈥淚t is the resolution of interrelated aesthetic and technical problems that makes glass an exciting and challenging medium in which to work.鈥

For William Liao, artistic inspiration began at an early age. Growing up in Beijing, China after the Cultural Revolution, he was surrounded by classical Chinese culture as well as new European art. These are the influences which continue to define and inspire his work today. With seven years of professional training, he graduated from Beijing Normal University, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Specializing in florals, landscapes and figurative works, William鈥檚 paintings combine traditional mediums with modern techniques, providing his audience with another dimension of experience.

Recognized for his talent, William has won Art Battle Vancouver, received the Silver Medal at the Signature Medal Show at Federation Gallery, and First Place in the Acrylics in Action show.

Visit for more.

Two pieces at The Avenue Gallery this June. Left: Cheerful Smile by William Liao and right: Triangular Vase (Cobalt) by Lisa Samphire. (Courtesy The Avenue Gallery)



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